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First intelligent humanoid robot Sophia arrives in Dubai to participate in conference



The humanoid robot Sophia, the world’s first robot citizen, will arrive in Dubai on Tuesday, March 8, to participate in the largest smart conference for internal auditors, the 20th Annual Regional Audit Conference (ARAC) from March 7 to 9, 2022 at Dubai World Trade Centre.

Sophia, who holds Saudi citizenship, will conduct an interactive session on the future of artificial intelligence titled ‘Artificial Intelligence in the Internal Audit Profession’, on the second day of the annual regional conference on internal auditing, hosted by the Association of Internal Auditors in the United Arab Emirates at the Dubai World Trade Center under the theme “The Revolution and Transformation in Internal Audit”.

Sophia became the world’s first robot citizen after Saudi Arabia granted her citizenship in October 2017.

The organizers facilitated Sophia’s presence at the smart conference as a symbol of the future of artificial intelligence.

The conference is sponsored by a number of major international companies such as KPMG, Bee’ah, Protiviti and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The conference provides an opportunity for attendees to receive more than 22 CPE credits, in order to enhance their professional development process. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from over 40 international speakers, leaders and authors who will share their experiences, best practices, trends and case studies, through more than 44 sessions moderated by some of the biggest names in the field of internal auditing.

Special attractions are some high-profile speakers such as Terry Cutler, CEO, Cyology Labs Canada and Ethical Hacker, who will conduct a session on ‘Insider Secrets to how hackers are getting in, and why’. Participants will get to learn a lot on Cybersecurity from Terry Cutler as he has been voted Top Influencer in Cybersecurity.

Jordan Belfort, American author, The Real Wolf of Wall Street, motivational speaker and former stockbroker, will talk on ‘Leveraging Risk to Elevate your Business and Life’.

Henrik Stein, Former President of European Confederation of the Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA), will address the participants on ‘Continuation and Innovation: A Challenge to evolve Internal Audit in a strongly regulated environment’.

Panel discussions and workshops will cover topics such as: Digital, Cyber Security and Resilience Trends; Tech Talk: Reimagining Digitization of the Information Security World; Building a Successful Competency Framework for Auditors; ‘Auditing the new world of AI & automation and your place in it’.

The other major topics to be discussed at the conference include: Cracking the Code: Emerging Risks; Re-imagining Risk Management; Building a modern audit function: A Take-to-enterprise Road Map; Cracking the Code: Digital Risk / Cyber Security; Procurement fraud; Balancing product sustainability against business profitability: Sustainability reporting practices and corporate governance; Regulatory compliance; Robotics Risk Monitoring; Audit transformation with data analytics; Audit Department’s Road Map to Success.



No KHDA inspection for Dubai school next year: Would it impact rating and fees?



Private schools in Dubai will not be subject to comprehensive inspections throughout the 2024-25 academic year, as per a new directive from the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). The only exception to this policy applies to newly established schools that are entering their third year of operations during the upcoming academic year. This recent decision was communicated to all Dubai schools via a circular issued by the KHDA. The authority aims to streamline the inspection process, focusing on institutions at a critical stage of their development while temporarily relieving more established schools from the full inspection regimen.

The KHDA circular reads, “We would also like to inform you of an important update to school inspections during the 2024-25 academic year. Full school inspections will not be conducted across all private schools in Dubai, except for new private schools that will be in their third year of operation during the academic year.”

However, schools may request a comprehensive inspection from the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB). Such requests will be reviewed and approved at the discretion of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). Schools are required to submit their requests by July 5, 2024. The KHDA issued, “Schools with approved requests will be notified during Term 2 of the 2024-25 academic year.”

Dubai schools traditionally undergo annual inspections, during which they are evaluated and assigned ratings. However, these inspections were suspended during the pandemic. The ratings, which span from ‘Outstanding’ to ‘Weak’, are determined based on a defined set of criteria.

What is the current status of the ongoing inspection of schools under the KHDA?

The latest circular also mentions, “DSIB will conduct other visits that target specific focus areas and include ongoing monitoring activities. Schools will be notified ahead of time on the areas of focus and priorities for the next academic year.”

All schools are required to regularly update their ‘Self-Evaluation Form’ and online school profile over the course of the next academic year. It is imperative for schools to ensure that all necessary information is readily available for review by DSIB. Additionally, schools must consistently administer all critical external benchmark assessments.

Belrehif stated, “The School Self-Evaluation Form is an essential part of schools’ ongoing cycle of review and improvement planning and helps them measure how well they are doing in different performance indicators outlined in the UAE School Inspection Framework.”

Impact on School Rankings and Fees

The ability of schools to increase their fees is contingent upon their most recent evaluation by the DSIB. Schools that receive higher ratings are typically allowed to impose more substantial fee hikes. In April 2024, the KHDA introduced an Education Cost Index (ECI) set at 2.6 percent which would enable schools to modify their tuition fees for the 2024-25 academic year accordingly. The private schools in Dubai had been granted permission to raise tuition fees by up to 5.2 percent, as determined by their latest KHDA inspection outcomes.

In a recent interview, Fatma Belrehif,  DSIB CEO, announced, “The School Fees Framework is the mechanism by which schools can adjust their fees annually. The rate by which schools can adjust their fees is tied to each school’s most recent inspection rating. Any fee adjustment by schools must be approved by the KHDA. Schools will be notified in case of any changes or updates to the fee framework.”

How does this circular affect schools and parents?

Schools: Schools may need to adapt their internal quality assurance processes, relying more on self-evaluation and external feedback to maintain and improve standards.

  • Strategic Planning: With the absence of formal inspections, schools might focus on alternative ways to attract and retain students, such as enhancing their curriculum, extracurricular offerings, or investing in teacher development.
  • Performance Monitoring: Schools will need to find new methods to monitor and report their performance, potentially increasing collaboration with parent-teacher associations and using third-party evaluators.

Parents: Guardians and Parents may find it more challenging to assess the quality and performance of schools without the KHDA’s annual inspection reports. They might need to rely on word-of-mouth, online reviews, and direct engagement with schools to make informed decisions.

  • Engagement and Feedback: The halt in inspections could encourage more proactive engagement between parents and schools. Parents may need to take a more active role in communicating their expectations and concerns to ensure their child’s educational needs are met.
  • Financial Considerations: With the potential stability in school fees, parents might experience a degree of financial predictability. However, they should stay informed about any changes schools might implement to maintain quality in the absence of inspections.

As the educational community awaits further details and guidance from the KHDA, stakeholders are keenly observing how this decision will shape educational practices and policies in Dubai for the upcoming academic year.

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Sheikh Mohammed approves massive Dh30 billion rainwater drainage project for Dubai



An integrated project to develop a rain drainage network in Dubai has been approved at a cost of Dh30-billion, announced Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of UAE, and Ruler of Dubai, on Monday.

Named ‘Tasreef’, the project will enhance the capacity of Dubai’s rainwater drainage system by 700%, covering all areas of the emirate.

The project is set to be completed by 2033 with construction to start immediately. It will serve Dubai for the next hundred years, added Sheikh Mohammed.

The project, which will cover all areas of Dubai and absorb more than 20 million cubic meters of water per day, is likely to be the largest such network to collect rainwater in the region.

‘Tasreef’ is a continuation of drainage projects launched by Dubai in 2019, covering the Expo Dubai area, Al Maktoum International Airport City, and Jebel Ali.

It comes around two months after unprecedented rains flooded the UAE. As a sustainable strategic project, it aims at addressing future climate change impacts, such as increased rainfall, with a network designed to seamlessly adapt to all rainfall events.

The project will utilise the latest Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM), the largest of their kind in the Middle East, known for their efficiency, speed, and high precision in excavation, and their ability to handle various topographical conditions.

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Akshar Yoga Kendraa successfully sets 5 New Guinness World Records



History was made on Thursday at Tripura Vasini, Palace Grounds, Bengaluru under the visionary leadership of Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, as Akshar Yoga Kendraa successfully set 5 New Guinness World Records by holding 5 distinct yogasanas. The details of the asanas that set the records are as follows:

Sl. NoName of the AsanaHolding Time for PostureNo. of Participants
1Naukasana | Boat Pose1 minute hold382
2Kaundinyasana | Sage Kaundinya Pose30 seconds hold352
3Chakrasana | Wheel Pose2 minutes hold390
4Natrajasana | Lord Shiva Pose1 minute hold595
5Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutation5 minutes of flow1372

The attempt was made for 7 Guinness World Records out of which 5 have been achieved and 2 are under review.

Yoga, the ancient practice rooted in India, has been a beacon of health and spiritual wellness for millennia. International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness about the myriad benefits of yoga, encouraging people worldwide to embrace this practice as a path to better health and inner peace. The global participation underscores yoga’s universal appeal and its ability to bridge cultural and geographical divides.

The 10th edition of International Yoga Day, under the visionary leadership of Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, highlighted yoga’s transformative power and showcased the physical and mental discipline cultivated through dedicated yoga practice.

Akshar Yoga Kendraa is dedicated to fostering physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth through its comprehensive yoga programs, regularly holding Fitness camps, Mudra workshops, and Meditation sessions. These activities aim to demonstrate the diverse benefits of yoga and encourage its incorporation into daily life.

According to Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, “Yoga is an integral part of the body, mind, and spirit. It unites these elements and serves as a precious gift for humanity. This remarkable event is truly a blessing for people, inspiring them to embrace the practice of yoga. It sends a powerful message worldwide, making everyone realize the profound significance of yoga and its benefits. Moreover, this achievement highlights our country’s rich cultural heritage and reinforces India’s position as a global leader in promoting holistic health and spiritual well-being.”

Swapnil Dangarikar and Rishi Nath, Senior Adjudicators, Guinness World Records, confirmed that five records were successfully claimed. Swapnil Dangarikar said, “I am delighted to say that Team Akshar Yoga Kendraa has successfully set 5 new Guinness World Record titles. I don’t think I have given these many certificates on a single day. Congratulations to all of you. This makes you Officially Amazing.”

Persons from all walks of life participated to celebrate the 10th International Yoga Day 2024 , including members of the Indian Army, Air Force, Karnataka State Police, Specially-abled children, children from orphanages, Members of the business community, and corporate houses. A special mention goes out to 1200+ NCC cadets of #NCC Group ‘A’ Bangalore @dte_kargo. Dy DG, NCC Dte Karnataka & Goa, the Group Commander, NCC Group HQ ‘A’ Bengaluru, Commanding Officers, Associate NCC Officers, Permanent Instructors of Group ‘A’ NCC Battalions who also participated with the cadets during the event.

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